It is becoming increasingly apparent that a convincing measure of your real estate website’s success (or practically any website, for that matter) is the conversion rate that it generates for you.
Conversion is the rate at which web visitors decide to “stick” with your website, usually by signing up and continuing to use the services and tools that you provide through your website. The more useful tools and facilities you can provide to them online, the happier they will be.
These visitors become your leads, and eventually, some become clients.
In this context, it’s very important to keep track of what your signups are doing, and how they are using your website, listings, and IDX. It can give you great insight into how you can help them, and provide you with better ideas on how to steer your marketing resources.
VOW User Statistics provide a very powerful interface that can help you answer important questions about your clients.
They can help you answer questions such as:
- What has been the activity of a particular user in the past week?
- What searches have users been saving for this month?
- Who have been looking at listing details recently?
- Who have been looking at a specific listing recently?
- Which users have logged in during the past month?
Many other important questions about user behavior can be answered by the proper analysis of VOW User Statistics.
Click here so see how to access the VOW Stats.