How Do I Limit The Number Of Listing Views Before Requiring Login/Signup?

This article will guide you on how to adjust how many listings a users can view before being required to login/signup.

Login to myRealPage: 

Click here to visit this help article to log in to your account.

1 - Navigate to "Listings" tab:

  • Click on "Listings" to manage your listings.

2 - Click on "Settings" in the left hand sidebar:

3 - Click on "VOW OPTIONS" in the left hand column of the Settings window:

4 - Scroll down to section 4, "VOW PROMPT STRATEGY" and make your adjustments:

  • A. INITIALLY PROMT VISITORS TO SIGNUP: Your web visitors will be prompted to signup for a VOW account or login after they spend this much time in listings.
  • B. REPEAT PROMPT: If your web visitors dismisses the prompt, they will be asked again this many times.
  • C. REPEAT PROMPT EVERY: If your web visitors dismisses the prompt, they will be asked again at this interval.
  • D. AFTER LAST PROMPT: If your web visitors dismiss the last prompt, you can specify whether they should be allowed to continue to view listings or forced to signup or login.
  • E. LIMIT LISTING VIEWS BEFORE PROMPT TO: Require signup or login after a specified number of listing detail views.

5 - Once you are finished, click "SAVE OPTIONS" in the top right corner: