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Exporting CSV File From Paragon for Sold Listings

This article will summarize how to export a CSV file of your sold listings from Paragon.

Step 1:

Click on Search > Inventory

Step 2: 

Remove Active and For Approval from Status field and add Sold

Step 3: 

To Display sales on the Listing side choose "Listed". To Display sales on the Buying side choose "Sold".  To Display sales that could be on either end choose "Listed or Sold".

Step 4:

If no time frame is required then leave "Sold Date" empty.  Otherwise fill in either a Begin date only or a specific range.

Step 5:

You should now be looking at a list of all your past sold listings where you represented the seller (as the listing agent).  Note: There's separate steps at the end of this guide to export solds where you represented the buyer.

Before we can export this list, we need to add a few additional fields to the search criteria. In order to get this process started, click on "⚙️Customize", at the top of the page, then click "Fields".


Step 6:

You should now see a new lightbox, which shows you all of the available fields that you can add to your search ("Available" on the left) and all of the fields that are currently being reflected in your search ("Selected" on the right). There are 16 fields that you want to include in your export data (see list below).

Scroll or search through the box on the left, find those items and select them with the checkmark directly to the left of each of them, then click "Add" after each selection. Once the 16 items listed below are in the "Selected" box are the right, click Save at the top right of the pop up window. 

Tip: You may need to remove some preset fields by using the "Remove" function.

This animation shows how to both add and remove items from the Selected list:


The 16 fields you should select in the box on the right are:

  1. Picture Count
  2. Listing Pictures
  3. ML #
  4. Address
  5. Prop Type
  6. Type of Dwelling
  7. Sub-Area/Community
  8. Approx. Year Built
  9. Public Remarks
  10. Area
  11. Floor Area - Grand Total
  12. List Price
  13. Sold Date
  14. Sold Price
  15. Total Baths
  16. Total Bedrooms

When all the fields are added the box on the right (and you've removed everything else) it should look like the image below:

[Optional] Step 7:

If you'd like to include the brokerage name (at the time of sale), then there's an additional step. It's not in the list of standard fields. When choosing the fields to include there is a dropdown called "group" (top center of the lightbox), which you can change to "office".

From there, you want to add these 3 fields to your export: 

  • list firm 1 code - office name
  • list firm 2 code - office name
  • list firm 3 code - office name


Step 8:

Your data is ready to be exported. Click the "Export" icon 📥 (it's directly to the left of the ⚙️ icon you clicked in step 5). From the resulting drop-down menu click "Export to CSV"


Step 9:

A small lightbox prompt will pop-up. Leave everything as it is, and click "Export" at the top right. 


Step 10:

The file you just Exported should be titled Firm_Inventory.csv, and should be saved directly to your Downloads Folder, unless you specified a different folder on your computer. 

[Optional] Step 11:

If you'd like to include sales where you represented the buyer (as the buyers agent) then you'll need to repeat the all steps above, but for Step 4 choose "Sold" from the "Selling / Listing" dropdown before you click "Search".